Gut Lovin’ Red Velvet Smoothie Bowl


By now you know I’m always looking to add as much nutrients as possible to each smoothie I make - so the secret gut lovin’ ingredient in this smoothie bowl.. BONE BROTH!

Yep! Bone broth isn’t just for hot drinks, soup or curries. Especially as the weather is warming up, its getting harder to keep up my morning cup of bone broth, so I've been looking for other ways to incorporate it into my day. Because remaining consistent with consumption of bone broth is important to ensure you get the benefits; such as improved gut health, as well as improved hair, skin and nail health!

So I've started add it to smoothies because I drink these DAILY during summer. And here was today's smoothie creation - and please do yourself a favour and try this!!!

Gut Lovin’ Red Velvet Smoothie Bowl


  • 1 frozen banana

  • 1 cup frozen cherries or mixed berries

  • 1 serve vegan chocolate protein

  • 1 tsp Gevity RX BOOST Bone Broth Body Glue

  • 1/2 zucchini, chopped

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 2 medjool dates, pitted (or 1 tbsp maple syrup)

  • 1/4 -1/3 cup coconut milk (as much as needed to blend)

  • Ice


  1. Simply add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smoothie and creamy.

  2. Pour into your serving bowl, add any toppings you like and enjoy!


Salted Caramel Coconut Chia Pudding


Pineapple Lump Slice