Why you need to start journaling (+ my favourite journaling prompts!)

Journaling has become a staple ritual in my morning routine lately, and that won’t ever be changing now. Before I started this journaling practice, I viewed journaling as a waste of time, and time I could actually be doing something to work towards my goals.

But after seeing SO many incredible, successful and inspiring women, who were out there kicking goals every day, using this practice each day, I thought it was time I gave it a try for myself. And I cannot even begin to tell you the difference it has made to my day, mindset, mood and overall productivity!

Journaling helps me start my day with intention and clarity; it keeps me focused and clear on exactly what I need to be doing to achieve my goals; and it starts my day on a positive note!

I always have SO much going on inside my mind, journaling has become a much-needed outlet to help me sort through all my thoughts and emotions, and truly make sense of them.

And if all this above hasn’t convinced you, here are some more reasons why you should start… 

1.     Set clear goals and achieve them

When you actually write down your goals, it keeps them at the forefront of your mind and everything you do, which means you are more likely to achieve them! When you put pen to paper and map out your goals it also helps to give you clarity around what you are working to achieve. Then as you continue to revisit them everyday, it allows you to check in and ensure your habits and actions are actually aligned with your goals.

I can’t tell you how amazing this practice has been for helping me overcome and get rid of habits that just were not serving me nor helping me to get closer to my goals.

2.     Increased productivity

By getting clear on your goals, you are able then to get specific on what you need to do to achieve them. Each day, I write out the tasks that I need to get done that are going to bring me closer to my goals, and I find I have been getting a hell of a lot more done.

I find it ever so satisfying being able to cross or tick things off my to-do list!

3.     Improved my mood and mindset

I ALWAYS start my day with journaling 5 things I am grateful for. When you start your day with such positivity and gratitude, its impossible to be in a negative mindset, feel down or unmotivated!

4.     Overcome limiting beliefs

All of us struggling with limiting beliefs to some extent; they may be in relation to our body, career, money, or relationships. Journaling has helped me overcome so many limiting beliefs that were holding me back in life! I did this by journaling my limiting beliefs or the ‘lies’ my inner mean girl was constantly telling me – these usually started with “I can’t…”, “I’ll never…” or “I’m not…”.

I then challenged these limiting beliefs by writing down evidence that proved they were not true. I asked myself: is this actually impossible, could I actually do it, have people like me done it themselves, and am I actually that thing?

And finally, I reconstructed the narrative by writing a new belief. I became my own biggest cheerleader and hype girl!

This simple practice has helped me push through and overcome the doubts to bring me closer to where I want to be!

5.     Slow down and be present

I’m a GO GO GO kind of person. In the past I’m guilty of believing I had to always be hustling, working on something and achieving something every second of every day if I wanted to be successful. Boy was I wrong!

Journaling has really helped me to slow down and be present. By taking 15-20 minutes for myself each morning to journal, I’m able to live with intention and purpose, rather than just rushing through life. It gives me the time to take a breath, assess my thoughts and feelings and just get into the right headspace to start the day.

6.     Relieve stress 

I find journaling amazing for relieving stress for two reasons…

I’m someone who has SO much going on inside my mind, so many ideas and tasks I need to do… it can be overwhelming and a huge stress! Especially if I feel like I’m forgetting something important! So having the space to write all these down, get everything onto paper where it is safe, won’t be forgotten and can be actioned, is a massive stress reliever for me. 

And secondly, journaling allows you to get all those emotions, thoughts and feelings out of your head and onto the page. These things can weigh us down, do having an outlet to get them out is a major weight lifted off your shoulders. It can also help you to better understand and deal with your feelings when you see them written out in front of you.

So, I’m almost certain after reading that you’re going to want to give this journaling thing a try! Here are some of my favourite journaling prompts to get you started…

  1. List 5 things that you are grateful for

  2. List 5 people/relationships you are grateful for

  3. What are 5 things I love about myself

  4. 5 things I am currently manifesting

  5. What are 5 small/micro goals to work towards to help me achieve what I am manifesting?

  6. What does my dream life look like?

  7. What limiting beliefs am I currently clinging to that are stopping me from going after my goals?

  8. 5 positive affirmations – “I am…”

Currently each morning I’m using 1, 4 and 8!

What are your favourite journaling prompts? I’d love to hear them, comment them below!


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