How to meal prep pancakes | Tips and Tricks

Pancakes don’t have to be just for Sunday’s, you can have pancakes EVERYDAY. 

Whether your a busy 9-5 corporate worker with limited time in the mornings like myself or just don’t like all the hassle and mess that comes with making pancakes each day; these tips and tricks to meal prepping pancakes will make pancakes for breakfast an everyday reality!

Read on to find out exactly how!

I’ve recently started catching the train to work which has meant less time in the morning for breakfast. I’ve always meal prepped my work day lunches and snacks, but with this lack of time in the mornings now I’ve started meal prepping breakfasts too. My go-to recipes for this have been overnight oats, overnight Weetbix or simply toast with peanut butter and banana that I can make at work. 

I get bored easily and I like to maintain VARIETY in my diet because this is key to a healthy diet; so enter, Meal Prepped Pancakes!

I prepped and cooked a big batch of protein pancakes during my usual Sunday Meal Prep and had them for breakfast all the way through until Thursday and they were still as fresh as if I’d just cooked them at home!

There is definitely a few tricks to keeping them this fresh, as there is with all meal prep. And there is also a little trick to reheating them! So if your loving this idea of pancakes for breakfast everyday, continue reading to find out just how to make this a reality. I’ll also share a recipe for my Fluffy Protein Pancakes at the end.

How to: 


Prepare you pancake batter and cook as usual. Be sure to allow them to COOL COMPLETELY - this is key as you do not want soggy pancakes!


Once cooled, portion your pancakes into separate contains for each day. Store in the FRIDGE in an AIRTIGHT container until you plan on eating them. 


The best part about pancakes is the toppings - am I right? This particular week, I choose to top my pancakes with half a banana, some peanut butter and yoghurt. How you pack your toppings is crucial to keeping your pancakes fresh.

The banana can be stored in the container, STILL IN THE SKIN, with the pancakes as can any berries (be sure these are washed and dried thoroughly). 

To transport toppings like yoghurt, peanut butter and maple syrup, invest in condiment containers (you can pick these up super cheap from the supermarket) and pre-portion out all your toppings during your Sunday Meal Prep. Store these separately in the cupboard and simply throw them in your lunch bag in the morning along with your pancakes!



For reheating, you could use a microwave but to get that crispy outer layer of the pancake like you get fresh off the fry pan I like to use a TOASTER! Simply toast your pancake for a few minutes, just as you would a piece of toast and BAM, you have what tastes exactly like freshly made pancakes without all the work and mess!


Then simply serve as usual - add all your toppings to your freshly toasted or heated pancakes and dig in! If your bringing these to work, get ready for all the impressed compliments from jealous co-workers!

So now you have all the tricks to meal prepping the perfect, fresh pancakes - but you need a recipe! I have a recipe for Fluffy Banana Pancakes on the blog here OR below is a recipe for the Protein Pancakes I used for this meal prep recently.

Vanilla Protein Pancakes

Servings: 1 (3 pancakes)


  • 60g egg whites

  • 1 tbsp coconut flour

  • 30g vegan vanilla protein powder

  • 20g rolled oats

  • 1/2 tsp baking powder

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla essence

  • 1/2-1 cup almond milk (or milk of choice)


 1. Add all ingredients into a bowl, excluding milk, and combine.

2. Slowly add milk in until you have a thick but runny pancake consistency.

3. Heat a non-stick fry pan over low-medium heat and spray with a little coconut or olive oil.

4. Optional: to get perfect pancakes every time cook your pancakes in EGG RINGS! (See images below). Spoon batter into rings (should make 3 pancakes).

5. Cook until starting to bubble on top and then flip and cook for another 3-4 minutes.



Pumpkin Protein Brownies


Vegan Lemon & Coconut Poppy Seed Muffins